ABC’s According To Star Wars

Something magical happens when nerds have kids. Aside from finally having proof that they have had relations with something other than a gym sock, there’s usually a spark of ingenuity to put their nerdiness to use. This story is no different. When Brandon and Emma Peat found out they were going to have a nerdling of their own, they decided to create something original. Thus an alphabet book based off of Star Wars was created. Using their own drawings they made a list of characters (non from the prequels but they used the Expanded Universe to fill some gaps), they drew out what would become a book that would help finance their offspring’s college fund.

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Star Wars Snowflakes

Here’s a little DIY to geek out your Christmas decorating. We all made paper snowflakes when we were kids, now that we’re grown up, why stop? But instead of making sissy little snowflakes, makes these bad ass Clone Trooper/Boba Fett or Darth Vader snowflakes. Complete with the Galactic Empire logo in the middle to give it that special touch.

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