Girls Dressed Like Indians Always Make Thanksgiving More Festive (60 Images)
There are many things to be thankful for this time of year and these lovely ladies are no exception.
60 image gallery
Girls In The Gym Know How To Get Your Heart Rate Up (55 Images)
These beautiful girls not only make the gym a more attractive place to be, but they will also help get your heart rate up and your blood pressure pumping
Random Facts 11-17
Take a moment out of your day and learn something new with these interesting random facts
Operation: Hug A Vet!
To celebrate Veteran’s Day today we’d like everyone to bring back one of our favorite activities, Operation: Hug A Vet! It’s very easy to participate, just find a vet, give them a hug and say “Thank you”. It’s that easy! Now get out there and start hugging!