Taking a trip is fun, but what if instead of the usual vacation you could go back in time? Where would you go? What would you do? The folks at Expedia.ca came up with some great travel posters in their Timescape series to show what kind of cool places you could visit if we had the ability of time travel
Top 10 Posts Of 2016
With 2016 finally coming to an end, it’s time for us to take part in the sacred tradition of figuring out what the best posts were. We’ve done the digging, compared the logs, did the math and finally have the list ready. Yet again the tumblr posts were VERY popular this year. It seems more so thank to Pinterest, and since that page grew by over 15,000 users since last January, it’s a trend that will likely continue. There were a few surprises this year but overall it’s a solid list.
So without any more delay, here we go:
10- Funny Scenes From A Yearbook
The yearbook is a great right of passage. You slave away all year long in school and finally you have a chance to commemorate that time with a funny or witty quote. But not everyone uses this opportunity for deep introspection
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Star Wars Christmas Albums
There’s no better way to get in the holiday spirit than with some nice music. If you’re a Star Wars fan there’s something magical about the idea of sitting next to the fire, drinking some egg nog and enjoying some classics like “Ewoking Around the Christmas Tree”.
Deck the Mauls
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Random Facts 12-15
Take a moment out of your day and learn something new with these interesting random facts
How Temperature Control Works In Space (Infographic)
The Universe is a place of extremes. What would happen if you were exposed to space without any protection? How does an astronaut keep cool and warm? What about the ship they travel in and the station they live in? How do things not freeze or combust? This handy infographic breaks down the details.
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