Kids Love Hooters

Hooters seems to get a bad rap when it comes to family dining. Too many people think of it as just a place for guys to ogle women and get drunk. Although that may be true, a determined guy can get drunk and ogle women at Olive Garden. So to help Hooters in the PR department we wanted to show that it’s fun for the whole family and give pictorial evidence that kids love Hooters too!

kids love hooters
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The Jesus Toaster

No longer do you have to sit on ebay and wait for someone to try and sell a Virgin Mary Cheeto or a grilled cheese sandwich with Jesus on it. Now you can make your own Jesus sightings right at home. Not only does this machine perform a miracle of turning ordinary bread into toast, it burns an image of your savior on there as well. They go for $34.95 a pop but can you really put a price on Jesus toast?

Jesus Toaster
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