Nerd PSA

Brian would like to take a moment to remind you, the cute girl with glasses isn’t really a nerd

Mini Architectural Spaces With Lego

If you thought Legos had no place in fine art or photography then you haven’t seen these intriguing photos by Brazil-based Valentino Fialdini. For his latest exhibition, the photographer showed off a set of empty, bright and sometimes colorful rooms and corridors all made with Legos! With sun streaming through windows and shadows cast in just a certain way, it almost seems as if you’re looking at real rooms. They’re, in fact, small architectural spaces created by the photographer himself.
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Mic Check

This soon to be musical superstar is ready to get her recording career going, if only she could get the microphone to work…

Slick U-Turn

This taxi driver doesn’t have time to wait so he pulls a nice drifting u-turn to get around traffic