Martha Stewart’s Horrible Halloween Show

This special first aired in 1999 and was then removed from any rebroadcasts due to all of Martha’s Halloween ideas falling flat when presented to a handful of kids who are THE MOST UNFUN CHILDREN ON EARTH! Seriously, these kids are even too scared to drink a cup of grape juice! Plus Martha shows her creepiness by constantly talking about “getting in the mood”.

E-Mails From An Asshole 10-29

Dishwasher Confusion

Original ad:
I need a dishwasher dont care what color so long as it is a good working dishwasher that is cheap. I have a truck and can pick it up if necessary.

From me to ********@*********.org:

Hello! My name Miguel, I am good working dishwasher. I work at Ricardo’s Pizza as dishwasher for 5 years- me top dishwasher. Leave your dishes very clean and work for cheap. I have no driving license. You pick up, yes?

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Fainting Kittens

Myotonia Congenita is generally known as ‘fainting goat’ syndrome where at the slightest sound an animal will collapse and fall into paralysis for about a minute. It happens quite a bit in goats but this video shows two kittens that have it as well. This should be something that all cats have. When they start scratching your furniture or doing something you don’t want them to what happens? You yell at them, clap your hands, whatever, they just sit there and look at you. If they all had this, they would stop what they’re doing when you want them to.
BTW- The original music that was with this clip tried to make it a sad little tear jerker so you feel sorry for the cats. We decided to make it a little more entertaining.