The Running of the Bulls

Improv Everywhere Stages a Mock Running of the Bulls at the Venice Beach boardwalk with ridiculous, 7ft tall inflatable bull costumes. Runners dressed in white clothes and red bandanas appeared suddenly on the boardwalk, running for their lives from the giant bulls through crowds of unsuspecting Venice Beach locals.

Motorboating Girls for Breast Cancer Awareness

These guys wanted to help out breast cancer awareness but at the same time, have a little fun. Their idea was genius, walk up to random women and ask to motorboat them. For each woman that let them, they would donate $20 to the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation (why the hell didn’t I think of that? Here we are just selling these stupid t-shirts). To top it off, for every 100k views the video gets, they’ll donate another $100! So share the video and bump the views!


Hot off the success of “Cars” and “Planes”, a room full of executives dreams up the next big thing… “Boats”! But is it the story they care about or is it $omething el$$$e…?