Dealing with a mother-in-law could be a blessing, or it could be a nightmare. A recent post asked for people to describe what it was like dealing with their mothr-in-law
Tales From The Wait Staff: Weird Requests From Customers
Being a waiter isn’t all fun and games. Sometimes you have to put up with some real weirdos. These Whisper confessions from the wait staff highlights some of the bizarre requests they’ve encountered
Humiliating Responses People Got After Saying “I Love You”
Saying ‘I love you’ is a big moment in a relationship, but sometimes the person on the other end doesn’t really reciprocate. These Whisper confessions show some of the more humiliating responses someone could receive
Whisper Confessions From Disney Cast Members
Whisper is an app that let’s people make anonymous confessions. Buzzfeed went through some of the posts and pulled out 13 confessions from Disney cast members. Some funny, some scary…