As if public transportation wasn’t bad enough, these people make your subway commute just a bit more interesting
Funny Cake Fails
Cakes are always a festive way to celebrate an occasion, but these cake fails remind us that sometimes it really is the thought that counts
Work Safety Fails
These guys never heard the phrase “Think smart before you start.” Who cares what OSHA says, right? There’s no time for safety when you have a job to do. Maybe they should make ladders easier to use
Dad Jokes Are Better When Told By Pretty Girls
The “dad joke” is known to cause groans and even sometimes actual physical pain. But maybe it’s not the joke itself that’s the problem, maybe it’s the person telling the joke. Let’s see what happens when the same terrible joke is told by a pretty girl instead of a khaki wearing dad
Dads Doing It Right
We know that parenting can suck some times, but with Father’s Day coming up we figured it was time to give a shout out to those dads that do that fathering thing awesomely