The ‘Jackie Gibson Collection’ Now Available At BeaverMart

We are pleased to announce a new addition to BeaverMart, the ‘Jackie Gibson Collection’. Named after a very special friend of ours and helping a great cause.

Since we first decided to open BeaverMart, it’s mission was clear, offer Strange Beaver fans cool Beaver merchandise and use the proceeds to help out TeamBeaver’s various charity work. The addition of the ‘Orange line’ (helping the National MS Society) was our first venture into ’cause specific’ items. But there was another cause we wanted to help out as well, and for good reason.

Long time friend of Strange Beaver and one of the first members of TeamBeaver, Jackie is a dear friend to everyone. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last year and has been working hard to kick it’s ass. That is why we are proud to name this new line of products after her. The ‘Jackie Gibson Collection’ is all your favorite products, with a pink flair to help support The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

The first items to be released are new Beaver Logo decals. The Pink decals are the same fuschia you see on many items that support Breast cancer research. We’ve also added a soft pink as well.

Check out these and all the other cool products at BeaverMart. Show everyone you’re a Strange Beaver and help a great cause.

Top 12 of 2012

It’s the end of the year so you know what that means. Time for the “best posts of the year” list. We searched the logs and come up with the most popular posts of 2012.
So tallying up the hits, here is the list:

Thriller Dance Gone Wrong

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Fetish Con 2012

Every year an interesting convention rolls through Tampa, Fetish Con. This year was FetishCon 12 and it was sure to be entertaining. Since StrangeBeaver wasn’t “officially” allowed to be there, we had to go incognito and get some pictures of the highlights. There are two things that make Fetich Con interesting, the people, and the toys. If you’re into jackhammers and power tools designed for different orifices, or just looking for something romantic to tie up your significant other while you beat the crap out of them, there’s probably something there to tickle your fancy, or something else.

fetish con 2012
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“Eat Mor Beaver” Shirts Are Now Available

A couple of our staffers came up with the idea for this shirt a few months ago but the idea never really got going. It was a play on the marketing campaign of a major fast food chain but with one caveat; all the proceeds would go to an LGBT charity, just to piss off the homophobes a little more. With recent events, we’ve decided to dust this one off and give it a run. All proceeds from these shirts will be donated to The Human Rights Campaign, even if you don’t want to buy a shirt, please take a moment to check out The Human Rights Campaign and see all the great work they do. Change requires action, and we are all about getting some action here at StrangeBeaver 😉
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