Awkward Moments With The Daily Show Corespondents

In case you haven’t heard, the RNC is going on literally in our back yard. We’ve been wandering around for the past couple of days but honestly, there really isn’t anything going on outside the fence. We’ve tried to talk to people but is seems like the only people we can find are journalists who are just as frustrated with the lack of tourist and lookie-loos as we are. So we’ve pretty much given up on the whole thing.

But today, we happened to spot some familiar faces. We had walked from the office over to Hooters for lunch because let’s face it, Hooters rocks. While we were there The Daily Show rolled up to film one of their bits. We spotted Jessica Williams and noticed Samantha Bee was right behind her. We managed to capture this awkward looking photo of them when they took a break from filming and then of course, we had to try for a Beaver Badge shot. The second we pulled that thing out one of the producers (the little short guy) jumped in and started giving us a hard time telling us to leave.

So we went back inside and came up with another plan of attack. We enlisted the help of Emily (who is one of the best bartenders ever) and managed to get our Beaver Badge picture anyway.
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