Meme Of The Week 6-3

This week’s meme is Money Face

The Back Story: Moneyface images have been circling the net since May of 2008 but did not become widely popular until around August of 2009. Some view it more as a photo technique but it still has held meme status due to it’s popularity.

The set up: Take a banknote and fold it in half over the image of the person depicted. Then hold the note in front of someone’s face to make the two faces match up.

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Soccer Fan Is A Little Too Excited

Now, there’s a lot of people who like soccer but this guy seems to like it just a bit too much. He jumps up and cheers then realizes he forgot his notebook to hide his enthusiasm like he did in high school so he sits down. Watch just to the left of the guy in the foreground. Sorry for the short clip, if you want a longer clip of a guy jumping around with a hard on let us know and we’ll send you a link to our “super secret” staff page.

Facebook In Real Life

What would real life be like if it operated the same way as Facebook? Annoying as hell, that’s what. But to expand upon that, this video demonstrates it pretty well.

E-Mails From An Asshole 5-28

Lenny’s Acid Trip

Original ad:

Do not Use Lenny the Mechanic:
He has an ad on here for car repairs and I asked him to fix my blown head gasket. He showed up to my house, broke a bunch of parts and left. He has been avoiding me ever since. DO NOT USE THIS GUY.
Lenny, if you are reading this, you owe me an explanation.

From Me to ***************@***********.org:

My apologies for bailing on your car. I know I have been hard to contact; I lost my phone and had to get a new e-mail address. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it up to you.

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