Courtney Stodden Stuffs Her Bikini Top For A Photo Shoot

Generally we don’t like to get into celeb gossip and stuff but recently we noticed something that no one seems to be focusing on. Some new pictures were released of a photo shoot with Courtney Stodden “washing her car”.

courtney stodden washing car
My first reaction was like what many others have; oh god what’s that frizzy haired girl with the jacked up feet doing now?

But after looking at the pictures on a couple of “celeb sites” that were telling me how gorgeous she is, something stood out. WTF is up with that top? No one seemed to be talking about her wearing a top that is not only way too big for her, but obviously padded. Let’s take a look:
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Cool Abandoned Indoor Swim Park

abandoned tropicana water park

For over 2 decades The Tropicana indoor water park in Rotterdam was the place to go for swimming and fun. Billed as a subtropical aquatic complex, this paradise boasted water slides, a wave pool, saunas and even a nighttime discotheque. Most travel websites still list Tropicana as a “must see” attraction when visiting Rotterdam and even describe it as “a true paradise to take refuge from the cold climate”.

abandoned tropicana water park

Unfortunately the park closed in 2010 after the company filed bankruptcy. Since then the once great location has been left to the elements awaiting it’s demolition to make way for a senior citizen’s facility.

Dutch Photographer Frank Hanswijk visited the abandoned tropical paradise and came back with some amazing photographs.
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Check Out The New Rock Paper Skittles Game

Skittles has always been a favorite of ours, especially since they picked Trale Lewous to do their last promotion. But now they’ve done something pretty cool and added a techie spin on a classic game.
skittles rock paper scissors

The “Rock, Paper, Skittles National Championship” has just kicked off to celebrate the release of Skittles’ new flavor, Green Apple. And this isn’t just another lame promotion, one lucky Skittlephile will be walking away with $50,000 in cash and a Skittles-dispensing championship belt. Seriously, that belt looks awesome.

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15 Common Words That Are (Probably) Made Up

No authoritarian authority exists that determines whether a given word is valid or bogus. In any language, there’s a complex and imperfect vetting procedure; at least in English, most serious writers agree on the correct or preferred form of a word that is one of two or more variants or on whether a word is acceptable at all.

Here’s a list of words that have been under scrutiny in this approval process:
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